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- 09 ) in men and 12 % in women.
- At the same time, therapy for established ACS has undergone a remarkable and successful change towards early active intervention.
- This seeking for such vessel-addresses can in the future be used for diagnostic purposes and also for local tumour-treatment.
- Conjugated equine estrogens and global cognitive function in postmenopausal women : Women ' s Health Initiative Memory Study.
- Since 1985 there has been a multidisciplinary HIV-team at the department of Dermatology and Venereology at Sahlgrenska University Hospital.
- The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality ( AHRQ ) tilldelades uppdraget att koordinera de olika initiativen.
- OECD står för Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
- Oral and enteral feeding in acute pancreatitis « och » Thyroid cancer «.
- Dessa, tills nyligen i stort sett okända, fakta finns dokumenterade i ett nummer av Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism [ 10 ].
- Hormone replacement therapy after breast cancer : a systematic review and quantitative assessment of risk.
- Despite initial treatment with thrombolysis her condition deteriorated further and she was referred for acute surgery to our clinic.
- Att El Niño börjat konstaterades officiellt på torsdagen av USA:s vädermyndighet National oceanic and atmospheric administration.
- - Vägledande rättsfall i inkomstskattehänseende saknas vad avser sale and leaseback-transaktioner av inventarier.
Dessa exempelmeningar är från olika tidningar och Wikipedia.